There is something about Halloween…it’s spooky and dark, the weather has turned cool, you can hear the leaves crunching under your feet. The smell of fall is in the air. You catch yourself searching the sky for the witch on her broom and think twice about walking by the cemetery.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It doesn’t come with the stress and expectation of Thanksgiving or Christmas. There is no big meal to prepare or the worry of getting the perfect present. It’s just fun!
As a kid my family always had a Halloween party. We would dunk for apples and friends and family would get dressed up in costumes, it was so much fun. When else can adults get dressed up and just have fun? Kids can go door to door and get tons of candy! When else as a child can you go door to door and ask adults to give you free candy?
You may be wondering how do I navigate Halloween gluten free? This is especially the case if you have kids that need to be gluten free. Here are few tips to navigate Halloween gluten free.
There are great resources out there to find out what candy is gluten free.
The second list was updated last year, they usually update it when we get closer to Halloween. Either way, you need to use these as a resource as you know what is best for you and your family.
When my daughter was younger I always made sure I had some of her favorite gluten free candy in the house. After trick-or-treating, we would go through all the candy to make sure it was safe and then check to see what was gluten free. I always had something to substitute if it was not gluten free. Also, my oldest daughter does not have Celiac so she would also trade her gluten free candy and take the items she could not have.
Check out my blog next week for more tips and tricks on navigating Halloween gluten free!
What is your favorite holiday? Leave a comment below.