If you’ve noticed I’ve been a little quiet here lately, it’s because the last few months have been quite a journey—both literally and figuratively.
This past summer, while traveling with my teenage daughters, I finally had to face something I’d been in denial about for a while: my knee wasn’t just a minor issue. We arrived at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on the third day of a two-week trip, and I realized I’d have to climb almost 300 stairs. That moment was a wake-up call—I couldn’t do it. I may have even cried a little.
But I was determined not to let this ruin our trip. Despite the pain, I had an amazing time with my daughters, even if it meant visiting overseas pharmacies to find ibuprofen to manage my discomfort on the go. I refused to sit in a hotel room and let the adventure pass me by.
When I returned home, the reality hit hard. I returned with a stress fracture in my foot and a knee that I could no longer ignore. Reflecting, I realized how much I’d already adjusted my life around the pain—missing out on activities I loved, avoiding opportunities, and even holding back on experiences I wanted to share with my daughters. Being unable to explore a major historic site with them was unacceptable.
After confirming the stress fracture, I met with a surgeon about my knee, still in denial that it could be serious enough to require surgery. But the truth was unavoidable: I needed a total knee replacement.
Coming to terms with that took time—two weeks of wrapping my mind around major surgery and missing work. Once the reality set in, I was surprised to realize how much my knee had been impacting my life. To enjoy what I love I needed to move forward with surgery.
Now, almost 12 weeks post-surgery, I’m slowly but surely recovering. Physical therapy has been tough, and there are still days when I feel exhausted and uncomfortable. But I’m getting closer to “normal,” and the light at the end of the tunnel feels brighter every day.
With this new year and my “new knee,” I’m excited about the future. My goal is to become more active again—riding my bike, exploring without hesitation, and living without the shadow of knee pain holding me back.
For Gluten-Free Life & Travels, I’m eager to focus on two series that are close to my heart: Celiac Around the World and Celiac in Your Community. If you’re interested in being interviewed for these projects, please send me a message on Instagram, Facebook, or here on my website—I’d love to hear from you!
Thank you for your support, patience, and encouragement as I navigate this chapter of my journey. Here’s to new beginnings and adventures ahead!