As we all know stress makes everything worse! Our body usually tells us we are stressed before we are logically aware of it. Unfortunately, stress it something we cannot totally avoid. So, the question isn't how to avoid stress it is how do we deal with our stress. We all have to find what works best for us. Here are three ways I deal with stress.

#1-Dogs-I love these dogs! Pictured above are my two dogs. On the left is my Poodle, Stella and on the right is my Bouvier des Flanders, Slaney. What I love most about dogs is that they are always happy to see you! They love you unconditionally. You can tell them all about your day and they are happy to sit and listen with no judgement. They know when you are sad or sick and are right next to you. I can't imagine life without a dog!
#2-Reading/Kindle-The great thing about a book is that you can be anywhere in the world at any time. Reading is my great escape! When things are overwhelming you can pick up a book and be right where you want to be. I personally love my Kindle Paperwhite. I can prop it up and when I fall asleep it automatically turns itself off and I don't lose my place!
